Historic 47

Historic 47: May 2014

06 May 2014


a r t h.


05 May 2014

Albireo, or, The Hen's Beak

Happy Monday!  If you need a bit of sunshine to start your week, here's some cool stuff:

Bumble bee watch, a citizen science project.


02 May 2014


I've accepted a 30-Day Arm Challenge.  On the first day you do 5 push-ups, 5 dips, 10 bicep curls, and punches for 10 seconds.  By the end of the month, you do 50 push-ups, 120 dips, 150 bicep curls, and punches for 150 seconds. Right now I can't even complete one regular push-up.  I'm hoping to notice vast improvements in my physical ability by mid-month.  After the 30 days, it'd be nice if by arms were visibly more Sarah-Jessica-Parker-y (circa Sex and the City) or Michelle-Obama-ish. 

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01 May 2014

Sans Ado

It's hard to describe how I feel about the Oregon Humanities publication.  "Totally inspiring" is one way to describe it.

Oregon Humanities just started a letter-exchange program that connects strangers from all over the state.  The idea of corresponding with a stranger as assigned by chance, or at least beyond my control, draws me with a sort of charming, magnetic force.

Count me in.

Sign me up.

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