Untitled (Friday)

Happy Friday!  I hope your week was splendid and that your weekend will be even better.  My plan for the next two days is to do a lot of relaxing and a bit of home and garden work to get things prepped for our upcoming Autumnal Equinox ado.  If you're interested, here's a bit of what I fancy this week.

What summer equals (in photos).

My brother writes about the Lions here and here.

3D drawing tools.


Historic 47: Untitled (Friday)

06 September 2013

Untitled (Friday)

Happy Friday!  I hope your week was splendid and that your weekend will be even better.  My plan for the next two days is to do a lot of relaxing and a bit of home and garden work to get things prepped for our upcoming Autumnal Equinox ado.  If you're interested, here's a bit of what I fancy this week.

My brother writes about the Lions here and here.

3D drawing tools.



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